Have questions? I Have answers!

Have a question for the ghosts? How about one for the galactics? Or perhaps your question is for me! Regardless of who you’re asking, we’re happy to answer. I’m constantly amazed by the incredible topics that are top of mind and am excited to hear what you have to say. Thanks for asking!

While I would love to answer any and all inquiries that come my way, that’s simply not in the cards. I encourage you to subscribe to my writings on Substack to peruse the questions of others as well as the bigger topics we cover.

Thanks for submitting a question. By the way, you’ll remain anonymous. You’ll also be added to my Substack mailing list so that you can see when your question is answered. Curious about what else has been asked? Peruse the list of ALL OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN ASKED & ANSWERED.